Headstart Preschool Program
A Headstart Preschool Program is located at Parkway Elementary School. All interested parties need to contact the Preschool Office at 277-7152.
Home Visit Program
Parkway Elementary School embraces the home/school connection and has received a grant to implement the Home Visit Program. This program will better enable our staff to make effective home visits in order to improve teacher and parent relations. When this relationship is established, students’ academic and social skills are dramatically improved. We look forward to being Partners in Education.
Positive Behavior Intervention Systems (PBIS)
Positive behavior support is an application of a behaviorally-based systems approach to enhance the capacity of schools, families, and communities to design effective environments that improve the link between research-validated practices and the environments in which teaching and learning occurs.
School Library
Your child has the opportunity to check out books that can be used for class research or fun recreational reading. Students also have the opportunity to utilize the computer learning centers.
Second Step
Second Step is a research-based intervention that is taught in every classroom at Parkway and is specifically tailored to grade levels. Second Step teaches students the skills needed to succeed socially and academically. It promotes social-emotional self-regulation while decreasing problem behaviors. It teaches skills that strengthen students’ ability to learn, have empathy, manage emotions, and solve problems effectively. Parkway strongly believes that with the implementation of Second Step we will create a safe and respectable learning environment that promotes sch
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)
The staff, parents, and students at Parkway are embracing Social Emotional Learning as a way to develop and establish positive relationships with each other. SEL has proven to be essential for all staff and students. It is the process through which children and adults acquire knowledge, attitudes, and skills that they need to recognize and manage their emotions. This mindset will support our students in demonstrating concerns for others; making responsible decisions, and handling challenging situations proactively. Most importantly, SEL skills are essential throughou
Special Day Class
Our school provides special education services for students in a self-contained classroom designed to meet their needs as identified in their Individual Education Plans.